Cioni Materie Plastiche Espanse flexible foams are able to cover a wide range of applications. Through our processes, the materials are accompanied by the specifications and information necessary for a careful technical examination. Depending on the type of use required, products with different characteristics and performances are compared, tested and checked. These factors play an extremely important role for our business. In fact, when we are asked a request we have the solution, whether it is already tested or still to be developed.
Innovation guides our actions and invites us to pay attention to the ever-changing industrial needs. In this, our company places itself in a cutting-edge position with respect to the market. This allows our customers to acquire consumer goods needed at the moment and above all to have complete production know-how needed to build the foundations of their future applications.
Via L. Pirandello 16-18, 50053 Empoli (FI) ITALY
Phone. +39 0571 920098 - +39 0571 920425
Cioni S.r.l. VAT: IT06353290486
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